Export Charge point session

Howdy team,
I am wondering if it is possible to export charging sessions. I purchased a business model (X7) however I seem to be limited to a residential view of data with little option to export a history or access the menus to configure RFIDs etc (after more reading it seems I might need to upgrade to a subscription?).

Back to the question at hand for right now though, I would have thought there would be a way to CSV export history of charging sessions (up to a year old).

I can see the data (based on the two test sessions my installer did) however, can only view the last 30 days, for tax purposes, I would need to be able to see the last 12 months. Any help you could provide would be amazing thank you.

Hi Stuart.

In the driver app you can change the date range being viewed by tapping the little calendar icon in the top right of either the Session History or Charging Summary pages, and that way see any session in the history of your charger.

At this stage it there isn’t an export feature, but we are looking to add one in the medium term (no fixed date yet but I’d like to think not too far into 2024).



Hi Tom,
Thanks so much that is good to know, my leasing company is asking for a report/export so keen to see this.

In the mean time is there an API that could be leveraged for me to export the data and build it manually or is that only available on enterprise plans?

Sorry Stuart, that’s only available on the enterprise plans.


No worries, thanks for that sadpanda

Hi Tom,
I have been thinking about this now that I have had to start pulling out reports for my leasing company (at the moment, using screenshots as you suggested, time consuming but it is working).

A couple of things I would love to see in the first version of reports (when they are desgned in the medium term), I need to be able to schedule a report periodically (ideally), and when I do, I would need to be able to filter that report on generation by the RFID tag used. The use case here is for one charger, and two cars, we use a different tag per person/car so that we can separate the data out (as my car is eligible for a rebate from a leasing company, the other car is not).

I would also love love LOVE to see at the top or bottom of the report an output of the pricing config in use for the duration of the report. If there is an overlap (or change) it would output the two configs with the associated date range for each.

This will be incredibly useful for demonstrating documented evidence for leasing companies / ATO etc as we could pair the reports with our electricity bills to demonstrate claims etc.

Thank you Tom!

Awesome info, thank you Stuart. I was already expecting to need to factor in RFID filtering somehow, and the suggestion around displaying the pricing plan is a really good point too.

Thank you!


Howdy Tom,
Most welcome and thank you! Always good to be able to raise ideas, even if they don’t make it into the final product, it is nice to be able to soundboard!