Grid Load Message

I normally charge my car overnight but on Sunday afternoon, I needed to top it up for an hour in order to visit relatives. When I plugged in the EVNEX charger I got a message that “Charging will begin when grid load reduces” or words to that effect. So I had to make do with 30% battery.

Could you please tell us more about this feature as I didn’t realise home chargers were load managed. Is this controlled by EVNEX or the grid operator and do you also control the charge rate from time to time? Annoyingly, the app says “Plug in to begin charging” so you don’t realise there is an issue until you plug in. Regards Barry.

Hi Barry.

There are some trials going on with load management but as far as I know all of the participants have been enrolled by their lines company / retailer / us, so if you haven’t had any communications about this then it won’t involve you! I’m also not aware of any load management that went on over the weekend either.

Could you let me know your charger serial number so I can have a look at the logs and see if anything strange was going on at the weekend?

Kind regards,


Hi. I’ve had this a few times too. As it’s getting sunnier I’m starting to try and charge from my solar again, and today i got this message and my car didn’t charge. If evnex is trying to assist in ensuring maximum grid renewables by ensuring I continue to export when demand is high I’m all for it. But I would like an option to switch off so I can use the power I generated myself but not be forced to select the charge as fast as possible option which may be more costly.